Gulf University for Science and Technology (GUST)

 PHIL: 4458: Computer Ethics

Computer Ethics اخلاقيات الكمبيوتر


Course Syllabus




Name:             Dr.  Ahmed AL-Hunaiyyan

Office:             Room N1-242 - Second Floor – Mishref Campus

Office Hours:  To be announced






This course covers ethical issues concerning the use of computers generally and software engineering in particular. Aims at developing awareness of these issues, and skills for ethical decision-making regarding them through careful, analytical methods. Typical issues include privacy, intellectual property, computer fraud, and others. The course offers students a timely, balanced, and impartial treatment of computer ethics. The course addresses all the topics of the “Social and Professional Issues”. By introducing ethical theories early and using them throughout the course to evaluate moral problems related to information technology, the aim is to help the students to develop the ability to reach conclusions and defend them in front of an audience. Every issue is studied from the point of view of multiple ethical theories in order to provide a balanced analysis of relevant issues.



Course Content:


-   Chapter  2:  Introduction to Ethics

- Chapter  3:  Networking

- Chapter  4:  Intellectual Properties

- Chapter  5:  Privacy

- Chapter  6:  Computer and Network Security

- Chapter  7:  Computer Reliability

- Chapter  8:  Professional Ethics

- Chapter  9:  Work and Wealth



Teaching Style:

                                      The students will be introduced to all of the course topic areas through a combination of lectures, demonstration, practical exercises and Discussions. Instructions will be in English.





                                                Students will be evaluated as follows:


            Midterm Exam                    20

            Quizzes (3)                           15

            Assignments                         10

            Attendance                           5

            Final Presentation              10

            Final Exam                           40



Text Book:


1- Title:                     Ethics for the Information Age

Author:                     Michael Quinn

Publisher:                 Pearson Addison Wesley

Web:                          http\



Online Resources: